KÖRNYEZET MONITORINGWe are able to set up a complete environmental monitoring and alarming system with many observer components on a common platform with user-friendly display interfaces.

Monitoring system elements:

• Security
• Production control
• Environmental monitoring

Measured data:

• wind direction and speed, temperature
• Precipitation, humidity
• dust PM 2,5 PM 1,0 (Particulate Matter)
• pH /leachate, reservoire
• water level, runoff


• Remote management and central alarming
• Logging: data, events, activities (e.g. entrance monitoring, prevention of free access etc.)
• Concurrent monitoring and analysis of numerous objects
• Common platform of different technologies, protocols and data formats, devices, sensors (analogue, digital)
• Simple variable user interface: Map, Status and Resource view, Display suited to user
• High degree reliability, availability